Upcoming ITMAconnect Webinar: Nonwovens Recycling for a Sustainable Future

Nonwovens Recycling for a Sustainable Future

  • days
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08   14

June 2023

Fiera Milano RHOMilan . Italy

Showcasing Innovation

Innovation is the heartbeat of transformation underpinned by research and collaboration. ITMA 2023 continues to invest in helping the textile and garment community identify, highlight and acknowledge the innovations that will push the industry forward sustainably through the following three programmes.

• Innovator Xchange​
• Innovation Video Showcase​
• ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award​


Innovator Xchange


Over 5 days, starting from 9 to 13 June 2023, Innovator Xchange will provide an excellent platform for visitors to learn about the latest innovations on display at ITMA 2023 and gain insights from industry experts based on four trending topics: Advanced Materials, Automation and Digital Future, Innovative Technologies and Sustainability and Circularity.


On 9 June morning, meet the winners and finalists of the ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award from both categories, Industry Excellence and Research & Innovation Excellence. The winners will be announced on 8 June.


In the afternoon, learn more about the financial impact the EU Green Plan will have on the textile manufacturing world through the forum - Impact Financing For Sustainable Transformation.



ITMA Organised Events at ITMA 2023 Now on ITMAconnect


If you would like to catch the presentations you've missed at the Innovator Xchange, the Textile Colourants and Chemicals Forum and the Nonwovens Forum, or simply listen to the presentation again, you may view the speakers' presentations on ITMAconnect Engagement Hub > Agenda. The presentation decks are also available for download in the sessions.


Only videos and presentation decks with the speakers' consent are featured.


For enquiries, please contact [email protected].


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Presentations by

ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award

Winners and Finalists

9 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1030 - 1235 hours

Industry Excellence Award


Presentation by ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award - Research and Innovation Excellence Finalists


1030 hours - Life Cycle Assessment and Evaluation of Composite Pressure Vessel End-Of-Life Recycling

Ms Eva Wingerath

Nominated by: ITA Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


1050 hours - Banana Fibre as a Sustainable and Renewable Resource for Reinforcement of Polylactic Acid

Ms Maryam Sodagar

Nominated by: ITA Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


1110 hours - Numerical Simulation of the Structural and Pull-out Behaviour of Parametrically Generated Profiled Carbon Polymer Yarns

Mr Phillipp Benjamin Weigel

Nominated by: Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM)


Presentation by ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award - Industry Excellence Finalists


1135 hours - Candiani Custom

Mr Alberto Candiani

Nominated by: FK Group SpA


1155 hours - Bio-Freed Sustainable - Minimal Effluent Dyeing Innovation

Mr Celestino Panzeri

Nominated by: Navis TubeTex


1215 hours - Denim Moda Urban Factory

Mr Vincenzo Di Ascenzio

Nominated by: Jeanologia


1235 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Impact Financing for Sustainable Transformation

9 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1330 - 1700 hours



1330 hours - Impact Financing for the Green Transition by the European Investment Bank

Mr Alberto Casorati, Investment Officer

European Investment Bank


1400 hours - Funding Decarbonisation: An Industry Approach for Identifying, Funding and Scaling Carbon Reduction Solutions

Mr Kurt Kipka, Chief Impact Officer

Apparel Impact Institute


1430 hours - Apparel Impact Investments by Good Fashion Fund

Mr Bob Assenberg, Fund Director

Good Fashion Fund


1500 hours - The EU's Pathway for a Green, Digital and Resilient Transition in the Textile's Ecosystem

Ms Valentina Superti, Director

European Commission, DG GROW-Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


1530 hours - How the EU Textile Strategy Will Impact Competitiveness and Value Chains in the Global Textile Industry
Mr Dirk Vantyghem, Director General

The European Apparel and Textiles Confederation (EURATEX)


1600 hours - Panel Discussion:

Realising the Green & Digital Transition in the World of Textiles



Mr Jeroen Vits, Board of Director, ITMA Services



Mr Alberto Casorati, Mr Dirk Vantyghem, Mr Kurt Kipka, Mr Bob Assenberg and Ms Valentina Superti


1700 hours - Event Closes


Advanced Materials

10 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1030 - 1700 hours

Keynote Speaker


1030 hours - Sustainable Trends in Textiles - The Real Challenges

Keynote Speaker: Professor Parikshit Goswami, Professor of Technical Textiles

The University of Huddersfield


The Development of New Materials & Technologies

Moderator: Professor Dr René Rossi, Head of Laboratory 'Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology


1100 hours - Vegetech™: A Plant-Based Membrane That Performs Better Than Animal Leather - Made in a Single Step Extrusion Process

Mr Ahmad Ibrahim, Researcher Chemist and Holder of the Ecotextile Chair

Groupe CTT


1120 hours - Making a Change in Climate Impact at Scale With A New Generation of Biobased and Resource Efficient Fiber

Ms Ida Alnemo, Head of Application & Sustainability

TreeToTextile AB


1140 hours - Laser Welding for Smart Textiles

Mr Martin Camenzind, Senior Scientist

Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology


1200 hours - WholeGarment Knitting of Military Clothing with Bite Protection Against Mosquitoes

Dr Andre West, Associate Professor

North Carolina State University College of Textiles


1220 hours - Noocycle, A Unique Chemical Recycling Technology for PLA

Ms Luna Aslan, Co-founder and Project Manager



1240 hours - Research and Innovation Trends in High-Performance Textiles and their Applications

Mr Lutz Walter, Secretary General

European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (ETP)


1300 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Digitalisation & Functionalisation

Moderator: Mr Michael Korger, Research Associate, University Hochschule Niederrhein | HSNR · Research Institute for Textile and Clothing


1440 hours - Use of 3D Printing Technology for the Production of Thin Layers – Digital Coating of Textiles

Ms Alexandra Glogowsky, Research Assistant

University Hochschule Niederrhein


1500 hours - Tungsten Fibre Reinforced Tungsten – Textile Based Materials for Nuclear Fusion

Mr Philipp Huber, Scientific Assistant

ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


1520 hours - dimpora the Next Generation of Waterproof Breathable Fabrics

Dr Mario Stucki, CEO

dimpora AG


1540 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


1550 hours - Self-Cooling Textiles – Energy-Free Method Using Radiative Cooling Technology

Ms Lea Zimmermann, PhD Student

German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF)


1615 hours - Panel Discussion

Refining, Recycling, Repurposing New Materials for Upscaling and Mass Market Applications



Mr King Mukherjee, Member, Advanced Textiles Products Division Advisory Board, Advanced Textiles Association



Mr Michael Korger, Research Associate, University Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR), Research Institute for Textile and Clothing

Professor Parikshit Goswami, Professor of Technical Textiles, The University of Huddersfield

Professor Dr René Rossi, Head of Laboratory 'Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology


1700 hours - Event Closes


Automation & Digital Future

11 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1030 - 1700 hours

Keynote Speaker


1030 hours - Automation & Reshoring - US Manufacturing Revolution

Keynote Speaker: Mr Kevin McCoy, Vice President made.

New Balance Athletics, Inc.


Harnessing New Technology for Yarn Production and Quality Control

Moderator: Professor Geneviève Dion, Director, Center for Functional Fabrics and the Pennsylvania Fabric Discovery Center, Full Professor, Department of Design, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Drexel University


1100 hours - MultiMode® - A Successful Implementation of a Research 4.0 Approach to Modular Pilot Lines for Continuous Filament Spinning

Mr José Canga Rodríguez, Head of Sales

Dienes Apparatebau GmbH


1120 hours - The Novel OPC UA Companion Specification for Fibre and Yarn Testing Devices

Dr Stefan Fliescher, Managing Director

Textechno H. Stein GmbH & Co. KG


1140 hours - SmartMill – Digitalisation of Yarn Production

Mr Pierre Lanfer, Researcher

ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


1200 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Digital Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Leading to Sustainability and Reduced Waste

Moderator: Dr Ir. Dirk Torfs Chief Executive Officer​, Flanders Make vzw


1330 hours - On the Way to the Digital Product Passport in the Textile Industry

Mr Axel Pieper, Chief Technology Officer

Brückner Textile Technologies GmbH & Co. KG


1350 hours - Overcoming Textile Waste and Lack of Material Database with Smartex.AI

Mr Gilberto Loureiro, CEO and Co-Founder



1410 hours - A New Method to Supply Chain Transparency

Mr Bilal Bhatti, CEO

PaperTale Technologies AB


1430 hours - 3D Printed Machine Parts and Attachments: Digital Future

Dr Deepak Panghal, Assistant Professor & Co-Founder

Apparel 4.0 Technologies Pvt. Ltd


1450 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Updating the Textile Industry to Industry 4.0 and 5.0 With Automation and Interface Developments

Moderator: Professor Jonas Larsson, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business, The Swedish School of Textiles


1500 hours - Kornit Apollo

Ms Moran Levy-Finklshtein, Product Marketing Manager

Kornit Digital Ltd


1520 hours - Open Automation Platform NUPANO

Mr Falk Vespermann, Global Segment Manager Textile

Lenze SE


1540 hours - Smart-Connected Factory: An Innovative Digital Twin to Enhance Shop Floor Transparency

Mr Dulantha Balasooriya, Director of Business Operations

XdotO Concepts Private Limited


1600 hours - The Future Factory ERP

Mr Shannon McCarthy, Head of Business Development

Datatex Consulting S.r.l.


1620 hours - Panel Discussion

Taking a Humanistic Approach to Automation - Key to the Development of A Sustainable Digital Future



Professor Jonas Larsson, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business, The Swedish School of Textiles



Dr Ir. Dirk Torfs, CEO, Flanders Make

Professor Geneviève Dion, Director, Center for Functional Fabrics and the Pennsylvania Fabric Discovery Center, Full Professor, Department of Design, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Drexel University

Mr Kevin McCoy, Vice President made, New Balance Athletics, Inc.


1700 hours - Event Closes


Innovative Technologies

12 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1030 - 1700 hours

Keynote Speaker


Moderator: Ms Claudia van Bonn, Editor-in-Chief, DFV Media Group


1030 hours - Infrastructure and System Platform Development for Advancing Functional Fabrics

Keynote Speaker: Dr Jesse S. Jur, Director of Ecosystem Technology

Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA)


1100 hours - Knitting Conductive Yarns: A Predictive Approach

Dr Elizabeth Kirkwood, Graduate Research Assistant

North Carolina State University College of Textiles


1120 hours - Revolutionary Continuous Dyeing and Thermofixation of Polyester, by Rotary Spray System and aNIR® Technology

Mr Bertram Seuthe, Global Business Development Manager

Mr Jayanta Sanya, Head of Technical Sales and Processes

DyStar Group, WEKO Holding GmbH and RotaSpray GmbH


1140 hours - Recompact - Innovation in Mechanical Compact

Mr Resul Istrefi, Founder

Swinsol AG


1200 hours - Intelligent Textiles & AI based Textile Material Inspection System (WiseEye)

Mr Barry Tai, Senior Manager, Business Development

Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab)


1220 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Moderator: Mr Sébastien Paillet, President, Clubtex


1340 hours - Investigation of Modified Low-twist Spun Yarn by Feeding Three-roving Strands

Dr Andre West, Associate Professor

North Carolina State University College of Textiles


1400 hours - Development of an Automatic Yarn Rejection Unit to Reduce Fabric Faults in the Air-Jet Weaving Process

Mrs Rahel Heeseman, Research Associate

ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


1420 hours - Advanced Photonic Technology for Zero Defect Manufacturing

Mr Josep Maria Serres, Head of Photonics, Advanced Manufacturing System Unit

EURECAT Technology Centre


1440 hours - I4.0 in Cotton Ginning and its Influence on Spinning, Fabric Production, Lifetime and Recyclability

Mr Justin Kühn, Research Associate

ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


1500 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Moderator: Dr Amanda C. Mills, Research Assistant Professor, NC State University


1515 hours - Waterless, Energy Saving Textile Dyeing – A Transformation of the Textile Industry and the Environment

Dr Alan Hudd, Founder and CEO

Alchemie Technology Ltd


1535 hours - Innovating Textile and Garments Manufacturing with Stratasys 3DFashion Direct-To-Textile 3D Printing Technology

Mr Ofer Libo, Senior Product Manager

Stratasys Ltd


1555 hours - Solving an Industrial Revolution Era Issue in the Clothing Industry

Ms Julia Van Der Sommen, Director

Pattern Room Sales Pty Ltd


1620 hours - Panel Discussion

Exploiting the Potential of AI in the Textile Industry



Dr Amanda C. Mills, Research Assistant Professor, NC State University



Mr Sébastien Paillet, President, Clubtex

Dr Jesse S. Jur, Director of Ecosystem Technology, Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA)


1700 hours - Event Closes


Sustainability & Circularity

13 June 2023 | Innovator Xchange | Hall 3 | 1030am - 1700 hours

Keynote Speaker


1030 hours - Innovation, Vital for Textile Industry’s Future

Keynote Speaker: Mr Germán García Ibáñez, Inditex


Digital and Technical Processes Enabling Circularity

Moderator: Ms Karla Magruder, Founder and President, Accelerating Circularity


1100 hours - The Littlest Things: How Small Change Paves the Way for Systematic Innovation

Mr Michael Colarossi, Vice President, Product Line Management, Innovation & Sustainability

Avery Dennison


1120 hours - Disruptive Circular System for Existing Knit Dyeing Plants

Mr Lon Negrin, President, CEO

Nano-Dye Technologies LLC


1140 hours - Innovative Textile Circularity Assessment through a Business-to-Business Webservice with Blockchain Technology

Ms Gabriela Maestri, Research Associate

German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF)


1200 hours - Enzymatic Fibre Separation for Sustainable Waste Processing

Ms Jeannie Egan, Student

North Carolina State University College of Textiles


1220 hours - Sustainable and Circular Production of Natural Indigo from the Plant Indigofera Tinctoria

Mr Hamza Zaidi, Vice President, Sustainable Business Opportunities

AMA Herbal Laboratories Private Limited


1240 hours - Myths of Sustainability and the Necessity of Radical Innovation

Mrs Jennifer Thompson, Co-Founder, CEO



1300 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


Impact of Materials and Machineries on Circularity

Moderator: Mr Edwin Keh, Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)


1430 hours - Utilisation of Banana Fibre in Hybrid Nonwoven-Based PLA Composites

Ms Maryam Sodagar, Doctoral Student

ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


1450 hours - Development of Low-Cost Twist-Fee rCF Heavy Tow with High Mechanical Performance

Dr -Ing. Mahmud Hossain, Research Associate

Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Institute of Textile Machinery and High-Performance Material Technology, Tu Dresden


1510 hours - DNA Markers Enable Traceability

Dr Gediminas Mikutis, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer

Haelixa AG


1530 hours - Waterless Closed Loop Scouring

Ms Giorgia Lera, Research and Development Engineer

Lafer SpA


1550 hours - RCO100: The World's First Mechanical Recycling Machinery System Making 100% Recycled Cotton

Ms Annabelle Hutter, Managing Director

Saentis Textiles Pte Ltd


1610 hours - ITMA Innovation Video Showcase


1620 hours - Panel Discussion

Envisioning the Future of a Circular World. Are We on the Right Track?



Mr Matthijs Crietee, Secretary General, International Apparel Federation (IAF)



Mr Edwin Keh, Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)

Ms Karla Magruder, Founder and President, Accelerating Circularity​

Mr Germán García Ibáñez, Head of Sustainable Raw Materials & Circularity, Inditex


1700 hours - Event Closes


Presentation Summary


Find out more about the presentation topics from the presentation summaries at the Innovator Xchange.​



Innovation Video Showcase


The Innovation Video Showcase highlights outstanding innovations in materials, and textile and garment technologies on display at ITMA 2023. It also provides visitors with a selection of industry leading innovative solutions that are launched by exhibitors.

Automation & Digital Future



Modra Technology

CreelMT - An Automated Yarn Creeling System for Tufted Carpets


PaperTale – A new method for supply chain transparency


Overcoming Textile Waste starts in the Supply Chain

Thermotron S.A.

Automatic Folding - Packaging and Labelling solution for garments


B.O.P. - Automatic garment detection system for THE Laser

Uster Technologies AG

Uster Q-Bar 2. The formation monitoring system

Biancalani Textile Machinery

A new way of washing fabrics in continuous and open-width to ensure innovative and sustainable processing: Aquaria®

EURECAT Technology Centre

PRECATEX. Advanced Photonic Technology for Zero Defect Manufacturing


Haelixa Sprays DNA Markers at Origin


iSAVER® - A sustainable weaving solution

Kornit Digital

5 simple steps to customize home textiles - Presto Max

Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab)


Swinsol AG

Recompact 3.T - Mechanical Compact Innovation

Testa Group

Inspection Machine Eureka with Automatic Pallettizing System

Baldwin Technology

Sustainable - Non-Contact Spray Finishing




Making sustainability happen




Recover™ RColorBlend

Reggiani Macchine

EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA Solution

Yeman Industries

Revozona | Sustainably reducing CO2 emissions for textile printing and dyeing


Metro - Data to transparency


ZETATERRA - Mineral pigments of natural origin

ITMA 2023 Events at a Glance


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ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award


ITMA 2023 Sustainable Innovation Award honours the textile industry's collaborative efforts in advancing business sustainability through innovative solutions and promoting outstanding textile-related research.


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